Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The College of Education recognizes the strength of a diverse community of individuals with varied experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds including but not limited to age, citizenship, creed, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, indigenous people, marital status, national origin, native language, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran/military status, or any other basis protected by federal and/or state law. We are fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion among faculty, staff, and students in the local community and the global society. We believe that every individual without exception or exclusion has the potential to excel educationally and deserves equal opportunity for quality education. We respect the dignity of each individual and celebrate unique contributions of all people to the betterment of society and common good of humanity through equity-based inclusive education.

The College of Education is dedicated to creating and sustaining an inclusive academic community which cherishes individuality and creativity, embraces diversity, promotes educational excellence, and advocates for equity and social justice (including anti-discrimination, anti-bigotry, and anti-racism) in all aspects of our professional work through policies, programs, and practices. We welcome and seek opportunities to learn through research-practice collaborations and partnerships. We commit to critically examine current policies, reflect on and refine programs, and continuously improve the development of teachers and all educational leaders to utilize inclusive and equity-based practices.