Program Requirements

M.A.T. P-12 Education – 5th Year Program Requirements

Foundational Courses (0-6 hours)

EMAT 526 Foundations of Education
EMAT 683 Teaching Exceptional Learners

Foundation courses may be waived with approved undergraduate or graduate equivalent classes or other approved evidence.

Professional and Pedagogical Studies (14 hours)

EMAT 674 Interdisciplinary Methods for Middle Grades, Secondary Education, and P-12 Education
EMAT 676 Adolescent Development & Learning
EMAT 678 Curriculum, Instruction, & Planning for Secondary and P-12 Education
EMAT 679 Educational Assessment
EMAT 687 Disciplinary Literacy

Content Studies (3 hours)

EMAT 699 Special Topics in Education: Teaching [GaPSC certification field] in P-12 Education (3 hours)

Field Placements (13 hours)

EMAT 601 Initial Field Experience
EMAT 609 Mentored Practicum
EMAT 612 Internship

Total degree requirements: 30 hours

Learn more about our 5th Year M.A.T. in P-12 Education

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Schedule your personalized admissions appointment or contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at 678.547.6084 or for more information.