Mission and Vision
The Mercer University Tift College of Education is a community committed to advancing the study of education and preparing educators to teach, to learn, to create, to discover, to empower, and to serve, all aimed at a diverse society. As scholars, we seek to engage in meaningful research to ground our advocacy for teaching and educational leadership as professions vital for moving toward educational equity and improved opportunities for all people.
The Tift College of Education will be a leader in:
- Providing innovative, equity oriented, and transformative learning experiences for current and future educator
- Advancing knowledge in the field of education through research and scholarship
- Serving and advocating for the profession and local and global communities.
College Identity
We work to ensure that our practices and programs are free from bias and provide a means by which all can succeed. We strive to make the College of Education an inclusive community where all people feel welcome. The work of the College of Education is conducted in partnership with schools, government and non-profit agencies, businesses, and professional organizations. Through our many mutually beneficial partnerships, the College of Education prepares solid teachers and school leaders, investigates problems of practice, and recruits stellar students and colleagues. Excellence for the College of Education means performing at the highest level in everything we do. Pursuing excellence requires our commitment to student success, professional and community service, and scholarship that leads to improvements in understanding and practice.